9th Workshop on Satellites End of Life and Sustainable Technologies

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The 9th Workshop on Satellites End of Life  and Sustainable Technologies will take place from Wednesday January 18 to Friday January 20, 2023 in the "Espace" room, CNES headquarters in Paris.

#IADC guidelines, #ISO 24113 and different national laws recommend post mission disposal measures once mission is ended. It consists in disposal of spacecraft or launch vehicle orbital stage in order to minimize interferences with the protected regions and to take measures to reduce risks of accidental break-up by removing, for example, stored energy. This aims to guarantee sustainability of space activities by reducing space environment footprint. Space operators and manufacturers implement innovative technical and operational concepts to be compliant with these requirements.  

Facing the growth of the objects population in Space, it has never been more important to preserve the space environment for the next generations.  

The objectives of this two-days workshop (2 half day and one entire) are to get an overview of the state of the art in technologies and concepts and discuss ways to address current and future challenges.  

Workshop program (1st version)                    Registration


CNES Headquarters

Place Maurice Quentin 75001 PARIS

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