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Europe launches first large-scale 6G Research and Innovation Programme

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This week the newly created Joint Undertaking on Smart Networks and Services towards 6G (SNS JU) adopted its first Work Programme 2021-2022 with an earmarked public funding of about € 245 million. 

The Work Programme 2021-2022 will fund activities ranging from 5G evolution including large-scale trials and pilots with vertical industries to frontier research towards 6G systems.

The European partnership on Smart Networks and Services (SNS), a Joint Undertaking co-led by industry and the Commission with close involvement of Member States, sets the strategic R&I roadmap for Europe. The initiative builds on an EU contribution of €900 million over the next 7 years to be matched by the private sector with the same amount. The aim is to enable European players to build the R&I capacities for 6G systems and develop lead markets for 5G infrastructure as a basis for the digital and green transformation.

The SNS Work Programme was adopted this week by the SNS JU Governing Board and will be the basis for Calls for Proposals to be launched early 2022. It sets out four main complementary work streams:

  • Stream A (RIA): Smart communication components, systems, and networks for 5G Evolution systems.
  • Stream B (RIA): Research for radical technology advancement (in preparation for 6G and radical advancements of IoT, devices and software).
  • Stream C (RIA): SNS Enablers and Proof of Concept (PoCs), including development of experimental infrastructure(s) that could be further used during later phases of SNS.
  • Stream D (IA): Large Scale SNS Trials and Pilots with Verticals, including the required infrastructure to explore and demonstrate technologies and advanced applications as well as advanced services in the vertical domains.

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