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Consultation & discussion forum on the EU’s 2030 Digital Decade vision

Information générale



The EU Commission launched a consultation and a discussion forum in view of preparing the Digital Decade policy programme, building upon the Communication on the Digital targets for 2030. 

The Commission is looking for feedback and input from stakeholders to help shape the Digital Compass policy programme.

On 9 March 2020, the Commission published a Communication on the 2030 Digital Compass where it stated the vision for a European way to a digitalised economy and society, which is about solidarity, prosperity, and sustainability for its citizens and businesses, ensuring the security and resilience of its digital ecosystem and supply chains. The EUʼs digital ambitions for 2030 are translated into concrete targets and tools for a digitally empowered future for European citizens and businesses. The Commission is now preparing a proposal for the policy programme that will operationalise this vision. 

The Commission aims to gain feedback on accelerating the digital transformation, on reaching the 2030 digital targets, on ensuring coordinated and swift actions, on identifying the policy options to support the objectives and on implementing multi-country projects to drive investments.  

All stakeholders, including start-ups, SMEs, researches, public administrations, organisations and interested citizens can help shape the Commission’s proposal. They can share valuable experience and insights about the digital transformation by replying to the survey for the part of their interest and joining the discussions on the Digital Compass in the online community on Futurium.

The 2030 Digital Compass: a vision and a way

The Digital Compass Communication presented a vision for the European way towards the Digital Decade, evolving around four cardinal points:

The Commission aims to enable the Digital Decade with a set of concrete tools:

  • key targets and milestones for each cardinal point
  • a governance structure to facilitate joint commitments between the Member States and the Commission
  • a mechanism to operate and deploy Multi-Country Projects that combine investments from EU Member States, the Commission and the private sector

Reply to the consultation                       Join the online discussions

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