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Europe sets out 6G vision at Mobile World Congress Barcelona

Information générale



At this year’s Mobile World Congress (MWC) Barcelona, Commissioner Breton addressed key representatives of the mobile industry in a video speech summarising Europe’s ambitious plans for technology and infrastructure investment to foster resilience and strengthen EU’s digital supply chain.

In his video address during the ministerial session on “Digital policies to speed the post-COVID recovery”, Commissioner Breton stressed that combining public and private resources with investment-friendly regulatory frameworks is key to allow Europe to build the required level of infrastructure and technology capacities for the data economy.

Following that, at the launch event of the Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU) “On the Road to 6G”, several of Europe’s thought leaders in digital set out the strategy and the tools to enable the sector community to develop technology capacities for 6G systems as a basis for future digital services towards 2030.

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